Closing the gap with dental implants in Orpington

Dental implants are the most modern form of tooth replacement, although they have been in use since the early 1960s. Before dental implants were invented, dentures and bridges were your only alternatives when it came to restoring the appearance of your teeth, neither of which are entirely satisfactory when it comes to restoring the function of your teeth. Dental implants can restore both the appearance and the function of your teeth which is why they are now widely regarded as the gold-standard of tooth replacement.

Dental Implants in OrpingtonDental implants are widely regarded by dentists as the most reliable long-term method of restoring individual teeth as well as allowing them to fix bridges of up to three teeth without having to grind down the adjoining teeth to allow them to fit crowns to hold the bridge in place. This is beneficial to your long-term dental health as you are able to retain more of your own teeth in an undamaged state. Here at our practice in Orpington, dental implants are proving popular with many patients who have lost teeth, especially when we explain about the overall benefits of dental implants.

So what are the benefits of dental implants?

From the point of view of our patients, dental implants offer a number of beneficial effects. One of the most important of these is that they restore the function of your teeth, not just in your mouth, but in your jaw as well. Unlike bridges and dentures which sit on your gums, the titanium screw which is fixed into your jaw helps to maintain the structure of your jawbone. Without the natural stimulation on your jaw from the biting and chewing process, the bone begins to shrink. This is why people who have lost all their teeth develop a distinctive look over time as their lips and teeth are no-longer supported by the teeth and jaws.

The other benefit of dental implants is that once fully integrated the tooth or teeth will be secure and reliable, allowing you to eat, speak and even laugh with perfect confidence that your teeth will stay in your mouth. If you would like to find out more about the benefits of dental implants in Orpington, book your appointment today.