Is your smile missing something?

Missing teeth may make you feel self-conscious about your appearance as well as causing difficulties with eating or speaking. Gaps can also lead to your face sagging as you are missing the teeth that would naturally support your cheeks and lips. Another issue with losing teeth is that the remaining teeth lose stability which has long-term implications for the health of your mouth. If you need restorative work but have previously dismissed the idea of dentures then you may be interested in dental implants. Orpington is the home of Orpington Dental Care where we have given patients a new lease of life with this effective technique.

Dental Implants in OrpingtonWhat happens when I have dental implants in Orpington?

Dental implants are titanium screws which are inserted into the jaw during a minor surgical procedure. The tissues of the jaw mesh around the implants, holding them firmly in place. The implants can then be used as a base for a single replacement tooth, several teeth or a full set. If you need multiple restorations, you do not necessarily need a lot of implants. We can usually fit a bridge of up to four replacement teeth on just one implant. We are so confident about dental implants that we guarantee them for life as long as you are prepared to keep up a good standard of care. Dental implants in Orpington are a permanent, stable solution which look great.

What are the advantages?

The most immediately obvious benefit is that your smile is restored to its former glory. Your replacement teeth are made to match the tone and appearance of any existing teeth so the result is very natural. For our patients in Orpington, dental implants have also allowed them to enjoy their favourite foods again and speak without worrying about dentures falling out or their voice sounding strange. A further advantage is that implants help to strengthen your jaw. This is because they stimulate the bones and blood vessels in this area in the same way as natural tooth roots. This prevents the shrinkage of tissues where there are gaps or someone wears removeable dentures.

Give your smile and oral health a new start and see how having dental implants in Orpington can help you.