A new smile with dental implants

Missing teeth can have the potential of bringing down your mood, making you feel self-conscious, being afraid to smile, becoming less sociable and losing the confidence to speak in public. If any or all of these apply to you then don’t hold back any longer in turning your life around, just make yourself an appointment for dental implants in Orpington. At Orpington Dental Care, we can help you feel confident again.

Dental-Implants-in-OrpingtonBenefits of dental implants in Orpington

Dental implants are a long-lasting fixture which look, feel and function like normal teeth, so after a while you will not even realise you have had them inserted. There is no need for removal when cleaning or eating or sleeping. There is no chance of any embarrassing accidents and if you practice a continuous thorough dental hygiene routine, then your dental implants will last for many, many years.

Missing teeth can deteriorate the strength of your jawbone. It is a common condition called jawbone absorption. Dental implants are the only tooth replacement procedure thatstrengthens your jawbone over time. With all this in mind, it is no wonder dental implants are a popular choice for patients deciding on which tooth replacement procedure to go for.

How do dental implants work?

At our practice in Orpington, dental implants are inserted during a quick surgical procedure. They are basically a copy of the natural root of a tooth. Initially there will be a tiny titanium screw inserted into the jawbone which will then over time fuse with the bone causing it to strengthen. Your new tooth or teeth can either be added straight away or, depending on the assessment of your mouth and jawbone, may be added at a later date after the jawbone has been given time to heal. It is possible to insert a single new tooth, several teeth or even anupper or lower arch set of teeth. The implant treatment may sound daunting but in fact it is a straightforward procedure. We can assure you that we will endeavour to make you as relaxed and comfortable as possible during the treatment.