Clear Braces And Cleaning – All You Need To Know
Ok, so what’s the standout feature of clear braces Orpington? Yeah, you got it – they’re basically invisible. And how do we keep them looking invisible you ask? CLEANING. Cleaning your clear braces has just become as important as cleaning your teeth. Fact. And while we’re on the subject, did you know that now you have braces, cleaning your teeth just became even more important too? Nope? Well, it sure did. Fear not though, we at Orpington dental have all the top tips and how-to’s on cleaning your teeth and cleaning your braces.

Cleaning Your Clear Braces Orpington
First up let’s take a moment to understand why cleaning these beautiful braces is so super important. I’m sure you can imagine that just because they come clear doesn’t mean they’ll stay that way. Bugs and bacteria all very quickly accumulate on the surface of your brand new braces and quickly stick together, harden and become something we call… ‘tartar’. This substance will whiten and sit on your braces making them not so clear anymore and for this reason, we want to get rid of it!
How Do We Do This?
It’s actually super simple! Just clean them. Your clear braces Orpington don’t need anything too fancy to clean them, just a soft bristle brush like your toothbrush and either some clear soap or white toothpaste. It’s important to avoid anything with colours as it can stain the surface of the aligners and cause discolouration – NOT IDEAL.
If you want to take your cleaning to the next level then you can easily invest in cleaning crystals or cleaning solutions. You don’t need to break the bank with this. There are actually some super affordable options available online or in chemists, even a simple denture solution can help give back aligners that glorious window clean shine you’re after.
Cleaning Your Teeth
You might be asking, why is cleaning my teeth suddenly even more important now I have braces? Well, the more attention you pay to your oral hygiene, the easier it will be to maintain the clarity of your braces.
Besides, clear braces are totally removable and will never get in the way of your oral hygiene. Don’t let your hard work go to waste, keep your teeth looking healthy and your braces looking clear! Brushing twice a day should be standard, and we believe flossing is an absolute must. If you want to incorporate other oral hygiene practices into your daily life then you’re more than welcome to. Tongue scraping is growing in popularity again, along with oil pulling. Both of these if done safely and correctly can help guard against bacteria build-ups.
Coming in to see us for your checkups is one of the most important things you can do, we have all the brains and tools needed to spot problems before they happen. So get booked in today!