Going the extra mile and focussing on your dental hygiene Orpington

The twice daily regime

From being a toddler through to being an adult in later years, the oral hygiene routine should continue to take place. Whilst our parents and guardians introduce us to the task, as time develops and we mature, our oral hygiene process becomes a solo responsibility. Although this is a natural development within our lives, are you certain that your oral hygiene regime is on top form? Or has it declined over the years as the daily chore goes on and on?

As life gets busier or our minds wander, the minimum three minute clean with a manual toothbrush may become two or one minute, with a quick rinse of mouthwash. The plaque surrounding the teeth and gums is not shifted away as effectively as it once was and tooth decay along with gingivitis can soon set in. Although at first a little yellowing around the teeth or a little blood within the spit may seem inconsequential, over time the damage can become more severe and lead to oral health problems such as tooth loss.

Luckily, our dental team has your best interests at heart and your dental hygiene Orpington is never far from our minds. Regular check-up appointments with our dentist are one thing but how about a regular check on your dental hygiene Orpington?

Avoiding the odour to your breath

One of the more common and noticeable signs of a declining dental hygiene Orpington regime is the odour which can begin to present itself. Whether it be from years of bad habits such as smoking and drinking, a single meal filled with too much garlic or onion, or the result of a quick brush on a daily basis rather than a full clean. Having bad breath can begin to impact your life quite significantly and is easily avoided with a good oral hygiene process in place.

Putting your dental education into action

When visiting our dental hygienist, which in most cases will have been recommended or referred by our dentist, you will be putting your oral health into safe hands. Not only will time be spent cleaning and removing the build-up of plaque around the teeth, but an education will begin to ensure that you are giving your oral health the best care possible.

So, what is meant by a dental education?

Whilst we do not want every patient to gain a degree in how to keep their oral hygiene at the highest level, understanding the effectiveness of certain brushing techniques, what products to use or not use and which toothbrushes are most effective will be covered. As sonic and electronic toothbrushes come into play it helps our dental hygienist to teach you about when too much pressure is applied to the teeth, or how circular motions are more beneficial than left to right scrubbing. Whilst it all may seem a little mundane, the teeth, mouth and gums which go through a rigorous process everyday will reap the benefits and your oral health will continue to be maintained to the highest level.