How much do you know about Dental Hygiene Orpington?
In order to ensure you have healthy teeth and gums, along with visiting a dentist, it is also important to see a dental hygienist in order to ensure your teeth remain healthy and free from bacteria and possible periodontal diseases. At Orpington Dental, we understand the importance of dental hygiene which is why we have a dental hygienist at our practice available for all our patients. So if you would like to know more about Dental Hygiene Orpington, it’s time to visit us at Orpington Dental.

About us at Orpington Dental
Led by our principal dentist Helen Loubster, Orpington Dental has been providing patients dental treatments within preventative dentistry, cosmetic dentistry and treatment for missing teeth for over 20 years. Alongside this, our dentists also provide routine dental treatments to ensure that our patients always have a great experience at our practice.
Visiting Orpington Dental as a new patient
If you have not visited us before at Orpington Dental, not to worry because at our practice we will firstly schedule you in to have a first appointment with us. The purpose of this appointment is to find out as much information about you as possible, including your medical and dental history and also to conduct an examination of your teeth, gums and mouth. This appointment will also give you the chance to raise any dental concerns you may have, and you can rest assured that one of our experienced dentists will be able to provide you with the answers you need.
Whilst performing an oral health check, our dentist may find it necessary to take radiographs in order to help them should they need to diagnose something along with checking for oral cancer. This is important as oral cancer is dangerous and can be life threatening if not detected early and treated as soon as possible. In some cases, oral cancer does not cause any noticeable symptoms which is why we deem it necessary to screen for this at the first appointment.
Our dentist will also use this time to speak with you regarding your dental health, and will also provide advice on how to maintain healthy teeth and good overall health. You will be asked about your diet and any habits you may have which may negatively impact your oral health. This leads on to the subject of dental hygiene, and if necessary, our dentist will recommend that you visit our dental hygienist.
Dental Hygiene Orpington
If you book an appointment at our practice to see our dental hygienist, you can expect your teeth to be professionally cleaned by our hygienist using special dental equipment and pastes. Hygienists play an important role in dentistry as they specialise in ensuring that a patient’s mouth remains both clean and healthy. Known as a scale and polish, the aim of this thorough clean is to remove plaque especially from places which are harder to reach through brushing your teeth alone. If plaque is not removed soon enough and continues to build up, it can result in gum disease which if not treated can lead to dental issues such as tooth loss. Our hygienist will also be able to provide you with valuable advice including brushing techniques and the best brushes to use to ensure that you maintain a good oral hygiene routine.