Replace your missing teeth with dental implants in Orpington

Tooth loss is a stressful but common event that most of us experience at some point in our lives. Although adult teeth are supposed to be permanent, sometimes accidents happen and between cavities, gum disease, and trauma, we end up losing one or several teeth.

The good news is that modern dentistry has a variety of ways to help you replace your missing tooth or teeth. At Orpington Dental, dental implants are our treatment of choice for patients who have lost one, several or all of their natural teeth. Unlike other tooth replacement options, dental implants fuse with the jawbone and become a permanent part of the mouth offering strength and stability, just like natural teeth.

Dental Implants in OrpingtonHow dental implants work

A dental implant is an artificial tooth root that is surgically fixed into the jaw to hold a replacement tooth, a bridge or dentures. Unlike conventional dentures, crowns or bridges, dental implants involve using a titanium post to anchor the replacement teeth in place. Because they are made of titanium, a material that is friendly to the human body, dental implants have the ability to fuse into the jawbone and create a sturdy foundation for replacement teeth. If properly looked-after, they can last a lifetime.

Benefits of dental implants

Dental implants not only look natural, but also behave like natural teeth as well, providing a strength and function that cannot be achieved by other restorations. Because dental implants are firmly attached into the jawbone, much like natural tooth roots, they provide replacement teeth with strength and stability.

More importantly, dental implants prevent jawbone loss. Tooth loss is often accompanied by bone mass loss around the missing tooth site. This is because there is no longer a root there to encourage the stimulation of the jawbone. By placing dental implants into the jaw bone, bone growth is encouraged and this can help to prevent future bone loss as well.

Finally, dental implants are more cost-effective compared to other restorations. If you look at the life-time costs of dental implants compared to the costs of dentures and bridges that need to be replaced every few years, then dental implants are surprisingly cheaper.